Thursday, June 19, 2008

Citizenship in School for students who have disabilities

In my last blog I expressed concern regarding the complexity and challenges educators face when instructing students who use a variety of learning styles. Our time in class helped me see how we can work together to include all students who have disabilities in our community of learning.

Methods such as team teaching with special education teachers and resource instruction will enable students who have disabilities to participate in community with other students. I was expecting our class to focus more on people who have Down's Syndrome or a mental illness, rather than on a more general overview of issues related to people having a variety of disabilities.

When students have disabilities whatever they may be whether it is a physical handicap, learning disability, mental illness or Down's Syndrome, we need to help them integrate as fully as possible into our learning community. This will help free our students who have disabilities from isolation and include them in the classroom so all students can learn from and benefit one another.

1 comment:

Dr. Lesley Bogad said...

Nic reflections here, John. It isn't easy, but full inclusion can have huge benefits for all involved, including us as teachers. :)